Custom-Designed Webpage Modules For Realtors® With Real Impact
Efficacy is more than just traffic, what you need is engagement
Measuring a website’s efficacy isn’t just about the traffic — it’s about how people interact with your website. Achieving front-of-mind awareness of your brand requires more than just a glance. To really convert leads into transactions through your website, the impact of each page matters a lot.
#1 — Your Services Visualized for Buyers & Sellers
You need something eye-catching to draw visitors in and actually pay attention to your content. The hefty paragraphs of text and the swarms of bullet-pointed lists only have a limited effectiveness with visitors. Visual assets will anchor their interest and make them engage with your content. The hard proof is in the Google Analytics reports showing they do in fact increase engagement significantly.
For example: The Esposito Team’s 4 Services Pages are more than 2X effective at retaining visitors
- Over 30 days, the analytics reports showed that visitors who saw at least 1 of the 4 services pages had a reduced bounce rate of only 23.34% compared to the 57.52% that did not.
- Time spent on those pages reach nearly 1:30 on each page, comparable to how long is spent on the property detail page of homes for sale.
- Seeing is believing: take a look at how The Esposito Team visualizes their buying, investment and marketing service pages.
Remember: A lower bounce rate is better than a higher one.

Other examples of recently-designed custom webpages which use visuals to engage visitors:
#2 — Community/Neighbourhood Guide Pages
You can showcase the local areas where you work more effectively while establishing yourself as a knowledgeable authority with our custom designed neighbourhood info modules. But did you know that these…